Cetak Print Crew

Cetak Print Crew
Dengan penuh semangat dan tanggungjawab kami siap melayani semua cetakan anda.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Cetak Print - Welcome

Cetak Print - Welcome
As the offspring from a more than 10 years well established family business, Cetak Print was founded in 2000 with an idea and the founders strong will to create his own road to success. We started from the basics and spent the first couple of years to strengthen our customer base and knowledge of the business aspects involved.

Finally, after extensive preparations, in 2002 we obtained our first printing machinery and have since developed into a business with good reputation, honest, responsible and transparent business conduct.
We always encourage our customers to give us feedback on our operations and always update them on every aspect of our cooperation. Our business is built on the satisfaction of our customers, therefore we strive to serve you best and can only do so by learning from YOUR experience with us.

We need you, and if you think you need us and our services, than feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to work as a team with you in the near future.

Please feel free to contac us
Cetak Print
021 99478950 (hendra)
085214282522 (mobile)

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